Bhakoot Dosha- Effects and Remedies

Bhakoot Dosh effects and upaay

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on telegram Share on reddit Introduction- Bhakoot is viewed as a fundamental factor during marriage horoscope matchmaking. It comprises a limit of 7 focuses. At the point when Kundli is coordinated through “Ashtkoot Guna Milan” Bhakut turns out to be significant. The […]

Pret Dosh In Kundali

Pret Dosh In Kundali

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on telegram Share on reddit Introduction- Nobody has seen God on the planet. In any case, individuals actually put stock in him and his extraordinary forces. At the point when something very similar is said about Pret or spirits, individuals are isolated […]

Nakshatra dosha

Nakshatra dosha

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on telegram Share on reddit Introduction- Some nakshatras are associated with negative influences, and people born in these nakshatras may experience misfortune or harm to themselves or others. This is known as nakshatra dosha. Pada dosha Each Nakshatra is divided into four […]

Mangal Dosh and how can it be cured?

Remedies For Mangal Dosh

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on telegram Share on reddit Mangal Dosh and How It can be cured?   Mangal or Mars represents happy marriage and relationship and hence, brings passion between the couple. When the planet Mars is not favorable then it brings destruction. Manglik Dosh […]